• full moon in new york    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 紐約咖啡 New York Coffee


      電話:02-28924677    地址:台北市北投區中央南路2段13號(捷運 奇岩站出口)
    2. TomLong Techstile Corp.

      ...and constructed the new laminating factory in 2005 in order to concentrate full-time in TPU lamination. Although the company hasn’t long history, the members of the engineering team have been engaged in the TPU/PU coating laminating production for more then fifteen years. Some core members came f...

      電話:04-26815977    地址:台中市大甲區大甲幼獅工業區工六路五號
    3. 景巽企業有限公司

      ...nd Parts Assembly .Fast and Efficient Prototype .Punctual Lead Time .Full-Service Manufacturing .Strict-Processing Quality Control In April 2008, we are expanding our production capacity and moving to new building of 2930 sq.meters to offer customers better and full-sided service.We want to ...

      電話:04-25629189    地址:台中市神岡區中山路667巷84-5號
    4. 紐約國際管理顧問股份有限公司

      ...特色A. 具國際級飯店、俱樂部的本業訓練及經驗 -----New York International在美國、亞洲與台灣都有極多之休閒產業規劃與管理顧問案。 總經理陳文敏Wendy個人在紐約頂級飯店具有多年飯店豐富經驗,其團隊之成員也皆是在國、內外飯...

      電話:02-33932101    地址:台北市中正區徐州路8號2樓地圖
    5. 微端科技股份有限公司

      ...e connect suppliers of electronic technology with manufacturers, providing full support from concept through production of the finished product. Since 1990, display modules and OEM Products has built successful partnerships with some of the largest suppliers of HMI technology in the United States. O...

      電話:02-26953133    地址:新北市汐止區康寧街169巷31號12F

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